Kings Cross Festival 2014

Macleay Street Long Table made family- friendly eating in the middle of the road at Kings Cross an unexpected reality as part of the Kings Cross Festival at 10am- 5pm on Sunday October 12, 2014 with the surroundings of Fitzoy Gardens.

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“At this year’s Kings Cross Festival, you’ll find our local restaurants and cafes, all in the one place!”

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What comes to mind on Sunday at Kings Cross? Saturday nights could be a bit rough..maybe the occasional kebab on the way home…but if you wake up with a starving stomach, then this was the place to be. The variety of food was endless and if you were up for some wine tastings, there was the option too!

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Walking from Kings Cross station, I  honestly didn’t expect to see so many people around.

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Surprise surprise! There was a cooking demonstration going on.

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After purchasing wine glasses, 5 tastings for $15, there were a range of stalls to choose from.

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Nubian Estate and their proud owner.

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Batlow Cider Co had a delicious great of cider-duh. Thanks for letting me know that there are 3.5 apples in every bottle! That’s healthy, right? Or perhaps maybe too healthy?

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Alcofree had an assortment of alcohol- free drinks. The packaging makes the difference, aye?

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Artisans Bottega del Vino not only specialised in wine, but bread too!

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I remember going on my lunch breaks around Kings Cross earlier this year and the park was pretty dead except the few office workers who enjoyed the sun when it came out. Now look at how many people there are.

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Very close to the iconic fountain- ball thing was Puntino Trattoria. There were nonnas dressed in white making gnocchi at its best! Look at them go!

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$12 a plate and look at the enthusiastic chef stirring dem pasta! Remember: mixed plate = misto per favor!

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The absolute highlight of the festival were the long tables beneath the luscious green trees.  The fantastic thing about thee long tables are that you can socialise and meet other people from your community. There were also separate tables and a bar in the space.

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The favourite place the Events team at Cancer Council loved to go for lunch was Harajuku Gyoza. It’s reasonably priced and there’s gyozas with peanut butter, banana and Nutella and salted caramel. Sold. There was even a lady dressed up with pink hair! Sold.

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Overall there were a few taste testers here and there but the majority if food was $6 a plate. It’s so good you end up trying everything! Most of it is small little eats like tacos…

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Sweethearts rooftop sold their delightful beef brisket sliders and salads for only $3 each.

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Towards the back side if the festival, there’s some space to play giant chess.

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And to generally chill.

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At this side of the festival, there were stalls aside from food such as knit wear, bank stuff, pet food, games and a book shop.

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Did I mention there was a farm too? It was crowded! There was a $5 entry fee but the animals looked so cute! Check out the fluffy chicken!

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The stalls mentioned above were only a few I stumbled upon. Is could be worse than deciding at the Night Noodle Markets! Here, it’s cheaper and he portions are designed to  be small enough for you to go through courses and courses! Who doesn’t love a long lunch?

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Rating Review: (1-5, with 5 being exceptional)

Event (Kings Cross Festival): 4.5/5

Ambience: 4.5/5

Service: 4/5

Value: 4.5/5

Would I recommend going to Kings Cross Festival next year? Are you a foodie? Or perhaps a wine lover just generally in the area? The eateries in the Kings Cross area have congregated to deliver the best of the best all at the same time for a celebration of food and fun.

Highlight: I haven’t seen long tables at food festivals before! It’s been mostly chairs and tables, or even funky chairs. Despite the lack of greenery around the area, the organisers have thought this one out! I also love the smaller eats from all the vendors. I love trying everything!

Suggestion of improvement: there were so many stalls I couldn’t believe how much of a community the people around the Kings Cross Area brings! I think everyone was heaps together but perhaps too together and it would’ve been better if there was more space between the tents- particularly around the food areas because it was a good squish!


Occurs: Annually

Official hashtag: #kingscrosscolour

Angela Bee

$8 Burger and Milkshake – The Burger Mill Parramatta

Gourmet burger and old-fashioned burger for $8 at The Burger Mill brings the classic vintage days back to Parramatta.

The Burger Mill - photo 5

The Burger Mill is located in the heart of Parramatta’s CBD and adjacent to the station. Drawing inspiration from the American diners of the 1950’s, this restaurant has a funky and retro vibe with checkered floors and the classic combination of burgers and milkshakes.”

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(Sourced: News Limited)

If you walk from the train station towards the lower food court of Westfield, then up the escalators and then outside, head towards Church Street and you’ll find The Burger Mill on the corner. If you’ve passed the Town Hall, then you’ve missed it. It’s quite noticeable and next to a bakery.

Outside there are some simple yellow chairs and tables to just set the mood for when you go inside.

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I actually love the wooden scene and the random strings of vines hanging from the ceilings. It’s quite unique.

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Oh. My. Gosh. I love the yellow topped chairs here! I wished the waiters dressed retro-style too!

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(Sourced: News Limited)

The blackboard has written up the menu of delicious burgers but there’s also a paper version if you’re short-sighted.

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But your eyes will be attracted to this lovely piece of art work on the wall: a tree with burgers hanging off!!  Don’t we wish this all existed? #burgertree

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First up was the Chicken Schnitzel Burger with avocado, cheese, cucumber, baby spinach and house made aioli with a generous serving of chips.

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The brioche bun was tall, fluffy, slightly toasted and actually pretty sweet. It’s normally hardly noticeable but this looked quite yellow! The condiments were an excellent mix but the chicken schnitzel was slightly dry. Ps: look how tall this burger looks! Giant!

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Next up was Aussie Burger with cheese, caramelised onion, pineapple, beetroot, tomato, lettuce and home made mayo.

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I loved the freshness of the salad and the beef patty was pretty standard. I wouldn’t say that it was dam fantastic but I guess average? What did a burger taste like in the 1950s?

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The hot chips were the good ol zigzag ones. Ah McCain you’ve done it again! Ah yes! Crinkle cut is the word and they were lightly salted and crunchy! #hotchipsobssessed

Milkshakes are such a treat! I must admit, I don’t really drink them these days but once in a while it won’t be too bad for your health.. right? I’m not really dairy person so I didn’t finish mine but it was a good punch of sweetness in there.

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Although there are already burger joints such as Grilld (two in Parramatta might I add!) and Coco Cubano, this one is definitely a treat! And I also heard that the owner, Leanne Beck owns Infinity Bakery in Woolloomooloo (close to Cancer Council where I intern!) and Sweet Street Bakery next doors! #winner

Review Rating: =D  =)  =|  =(

Product ($8 Burger and Milkshake at The Burger Mill Parramatta): =D

Ambience: =)

Service: =)

Value: =)

Would I recommend $8 Burger and Milkshake to a friend? Yes! Burgers and chips are normally $10 and a milkshake for $7. The same restaurants have existed in Parramatta for a very long time so its nice to have something new.

Would I donate the money saved to a charity? I’m not too sure if I would normally pay $7 for a milkshake unless its from The Vogue Café.  $12 would’ve been a solid deal so $4 towards a charity.

Highlight: The kinda-sweet brioche! I miss France and I miss brioche! So good! and the crinkle cut chips bring me back to childhood days.

Suggestion of improvement: Maybe is the patties were juicier but next time I’m gunning for the Moroccan Lamb Burger!

Ends: October 19, 2014


Angela Bee

Coco Cubano Student Specials – The Living Mall

Go-go to Coco Cubano at The Living Mall, Central Park before March 31, 2014 to devour yourself with either a haloumi, wagyu or beef burger for only $9.90 and a choice of large ice teas, granitas or smoothies for $5 by showing your student ID card.

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Coco Cubano takes the best of Cuba, mixing hedonistic espresso, chocolate, cocktails and food to bring the experience to life. The café and bar takes the creation of pleasurable and comfortable environments seriously and blends with the best in customer service and delivery.

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Yes, I’m one of those lame people who sign up to useless newsletters from shopping malls. But let me tell you that they aren’t useless until you grab a massive saving. Then all those hours checking your email is worth it.

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Those handy e-newsletters from The Living Mall informed me of a nice handy deal for students. Yes, that’s $9.90 burgers, usually costing up to $16.90.

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I absolutely love the interior. It is very modern yet funky at the same time. I never really knew how that worked but I guess this place does it!

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Loving the funky chairs and lights.

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And also the walls filled with frames of random pictures you wouldn’t see anywhere else. Please note the elderly women with a Santa hat and Cuban cigar.

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The display cabinet was filled with fun things our parents used to use in the days.

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The bar has a real vintage vibe to it with frames of Cuban? men and such from the days.

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The gentleman that serviced us was really nice and we were seated inside and given menus with water. I feel like these days service doesn’t consist of much, particularly in student-populated places.

We didn’t have any idea what a granita was, but apparently it’s a whole fruit blended. If it was an orange, it would include the peel as well. 100% fruit = my tick of approval. I got the citrus berry and my friend got the mango lime. The citrus and lime take he limelight in the drinks. It kind of reminded me of a caprioska in Brazil. Loved those delicious cocktails! Very refreshing, especially on a Friday! I think we were both really exhausted from the week.

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The large size on the student special saved us $2.

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I ordered the chicken burger and my friend ordered the wagyu but when it arrived, I think the waiter got them mixed up so we ended up sharing. There was a reasonable sized chicken breast in the chicken one. Not as much salad except for the rocket and the jalapeños were slightly spicy. It had bacon too, adding a tasty touch. The bun tasted a bit burnt on the top but was good overall.

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The wagyu burger was amazing. My friend hadn’t had bacon in years and could not stop raving about how good it was. There was lettuce, tomato and peppers and was therefore much juicier. Bun was very similar but we both agreed that this was the winner.

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On the side, it was a choice between thick cut chips and salad. I’ve had the chips here before and it’s pretty good and crunchy. We were trying to be healthy so we ordered the salad. Honestly, is rocket salad that much cheaper than lettuce? A lot of people don’t like its bitterness. I commend them for adding some cherry tomatoes, cucumber and parmesan cheese though. 45 degree angled thumbs up for those who like rocket.

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Normally the burgers are $16.90 for the Wagyu, $15.90 for the chicken, and $14.90 for the haloumi. I wouldn’t mind trying the haloumi next time!

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Drop by for their Sunset Sessions from 5-7pm if you want a casual break if you’re not a student.

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Review Rating: =D  =)  =|  =(

Product (student specials at Coco Cubano): =)

Ambience: =D

Service: =D

Value: =)

Would I go and get a student special from Coco Cubano again? Yes. Normally I would never buy a burger for $16.90, even if there is a side of chips or salad because I’ll be too full! $9.90 is a standard price for a student meal and $5 huge iced drinks is not bad either. Wouldn’t mind trying the ice teas and smoothies though.

Would I donate the money I saved to a charity? This is a tricky one because I wouldn’t pay more than I did for the burgers and salad. The salad wasn’t really up to my standards but if they were the fabulous chips we had last time, then I wouldn’t mind paying an extra $2- plus it’ll be tax deductible.

Highlight: I love layout, the deco, the ambience, the vibe..! Very welcoming and friendly staff. I love old and quirky bits and pieces around the place. Can I also sit in a big comfy chair everyday at work? So royal. Could do with some occasional bands here.

Suggestion of Improvement: The salad. Adding either some pine nuts or walnuts would’ve been better, or even settling for a fresh garden salad could be another option. The buns on the burgers could’ve been not as toasted but I guess I’m being a bit picky here.. Let me know if anything changes!

Ends: March 31, 2014


Angela Bee

Burgers, Fries and Beer – Little Rumour

Last time my brother and I had an amazing time munching big juicy burgers with our Groupon deal. Unfortunately round 2 was the opposite.

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Little Rumour is a small cafe, restaurant and bar joint on 4 Castlereagh in the centre of Sydney’s CBD offering $10 burgers, fries and beer as a Groupon voucher.

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Expecting the same burger menu, I already had an idea of what I wanted. But when me and my friends got there, there was only the mere choice of cheeseburger, chicken breast burger, or chilli hot dog.

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We had a little bit of difficulty when it came to ordering because there was no signage but we were told to present our vouchers at the bar.

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There is a $5 beer special on weekdays 5-7pm so arrive early for some pre drinks.

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Apparently the chilli dog isn’t that great so I decided to go for the cheese burger. Fortunately, I was allowed order a salad instead of fries because last time the fries were a bit dry. I’m not sure if the rocket and parmesan did it justice. There wasn’t a lot in the burger, probably the patty and that was all I could taste!

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Instead, I piled it on my burger to add those veggies in my meal.

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The cheeseburger was not bad but there was fat oozing out if you gave it a squeeze. Maybe opt for the chicken breast burger when you go.

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Groupon burgers were half the size of their real juicy burgers. Shameful because after this instance my friends and I were put off by it.

Maybe the highlight was that there was a little bit of live music…

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Next time come for their other specials.

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Overall they were average. Nothing fancy. I would say the presentation was fancier than McDonalds.

Rating Review: =D  =)  =|  =(

Food and drink: =|

Ambience: =|

Service: =)

Value: =|

Would I come and get a Burger, Fries and Beer deal from Little Rumour again? In my previous blog, we were given better options and service was excellent. However this time round, I would say I would never buy it again. I recommended this to friends the first round and their comments were similar to this post.

Would I pay full price ($22) for the burgers, fries and beer? Now if I were to get the first burgers I originally got, yes. For this time, I would say no. $10 max and only because it came with beer.

Highlight: probably the beer. We tried to swap it for cider since my friend did it last time when she got the deal. Their needs to be some consistency required. Other than that, the interior design is fab.

Suggestion of improvement: bring back those deliciously huge burgers for the Groupon customers! If it was a marketing strategy then it wasn’t too well thought out. The salad would’ve been nicer with either tomatoes, or some other veg and not just rocket and small shavings of cheese. I squished it all in my burger instead. Now looking back at the Groupon, it states: ‘All burgers and chilli dogs served with a side of fries and aioli”- what?! Please give accordingly…

Ends: February 19, 2014

Angela Bee

Previous blog post:

Small Bar on Urbanspoon

Little Rumour

There’s a ‘Little Rumour’ that burgers, baskets of fries and beers are back on the board amongst busy business offices on 4 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.

2013, DECEMBER - Little Rumour - map

Groupon’s $10 Burger, fries and beer deal ( is a clear winner for a satisfying lunch or dinner meal if you’re working between Wynyard and Martin Place Station in the Sydney CBD.

“Little Rumour is a brand-new small bar in the heart of the CBD, by the team behind Batch Burger and Espresso, Kirribilli. The menu combines Thai street food with American-style bistro burgers and chilli dogs. Whet appetites by snacking on Bangkok fried chicken with Sriracha sauce and lamb spring rolls with hoisin or skip straight to the main event, with meals including the Brooklyn beef burger, pizzas and the classic Parmy.”

Spread the rumour about Little Rumour because my brother and I found it slightly hard to locate. It is inside an arcade-type building, with its cafe in front of the restaurant and bar. The cafe looked extremely appetizing, offering coffee, salads, muffins and sandwiches, but walk a little further and you’ll notice a bar with signs saying ‘$5 drinks’- not a bad price for drinks during or after work! (Shh, don’t tell the boss!)

As you walk in, the arty farty vibe will hit you. There are four areas you can sit in: outside stools and tables, watching a live installation that is cleverly situated next to the bar, royal blue couch with a gaming machine, or simply on the hard brown wooden table and white chairs as you walk in.

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We were greeted with a wide eyed waiter who was (I felt) closely eyeing us as we walked in. He greeted us, accepted our vouchers and showed us our choices which came with fries and a Singha beer :

2013, DECEMBER - Little Rumour - photo 8

Brooklyn Burger (my brother got this)
100% Angus beef, bacon, smoked cheddar, pickles, tomato, lettuce and Spanish onion with Thousand Island dressing Brioche burger bun, served with fries and aioli

New Yorker Burger
100% Angus beef, bacon, fried egg, pineapple, beetroot, cheese and lettuce with BBQ and mayo on a brioche burger bun, served with fries and aioli

Tijuanero Burger (I chose this)
Spicy marinated chicken tenderloin, smoked cheddar, lime avocado, Spanish onion, cucumber, tomato, jalapenos & peri peri sauce on a brioche burger bun, served with fries and aioli

Classic Cheeseburger
100% Angus beef, cheese, pickles, Spanish onion, American mustard and ketchup on a Brioche burger bun, served with fries and aioli

Chilli Dog
Beef sausage, cheese, chilli mince, chilli sauce and American mustard on a white roll, served with fries and aioli

Noticing that they also do buffets of Thai salads, curries, rice and noodles for around $10, this place is not bad for those who want a full stomach.

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The design and atmosphere reminds me of an art exhibition with short clips of animated characters displayed on one of the walls.

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As you can notice, there isn’t really a ‘theme’ to this place which made me a tad confused because those chairs give that edge of the room a modern Asian feel…its as if a bunch of random funky stuff got together and made the furnishings of an unquestionably artistic room.

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The bar has a modern but rusty feel to it too but of course it is well polished since its opening last month in November! It’s like we’ve just stepped into a comic strip scene!

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We decided to sit on the ‘royal blue couch’. The dangerously slick and outrageous ornaments made this place stand out. There were even two boxes of old school disks.

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Our meals were carried out to us even though they told us that our buzzer will beep when it was ready and the plus side was that we went pretty early – around 11 for an early lunch after my brother finished one of his exams!

2013, DECEMBER - Little Rumour - photo 7

How BIG is it? My mouth could barely reach both sides of the burger. We halved each portion to share and taste each others.

Brooklyn burger: beef patty was definitely better than the chicken making it extra tasty. This massive burger reminds me of Grilld burgers and the condiments were very similar.

Tijuanero burger: The chicken lacked a little but the sauce was brilliant!! It was so big that it nearly couldn’t fit in my mouth and the bun was also nice and soft.

Chilli dog: My friend came here through my recommendation and got this but said it wasn’t that great.. in other words, just stick with the burgers!

2013, DECEMBER - Little Rumour - photo 9

The chips were stick thin and were pretty much similar to ones from Maccas. They lacked some good chicken salt and came with an under performing aioli sauce although they were displayed neatly in a mini deep fryer rack. Maybe next time I’ll ask to exchange the fries with salad for a healthier choice. We barely managed to even finish half of it! The Singhas helped us wash down our burgers.. but I wouldn’t mind another to help me finish the fries!

Seeing everyone come in their nice little office suites is really a testament of how their little rumour has spread around the area. There was a lot of variety and unlike other places where people with solely vouchers would come, this restaurant needed the Groupon deal to act as a launchpad for growth.

Rating Review: =D  =)  =|  =(

Food and drink: =)

Ambience: =D

Service: =)

Value: =D

Would I buy another $10 deal? YES – I mean, it even includes a beer!

Would I spend $22 on the same meal? perhaps. I would probably discard the fries though.

Would I buy the same deal again? Yes

Best thing: the vibe, especially the royal blue comfy couch! Also, no bookings required.

Suggestion of Improvement: Add some chicken salt to the fries or add more garlic to the aioli sauce and give it that ‘wow’ factor.

Angela Bee
Small Bar on Urbanspoon