Cabramatta Moon Festival 2014

A total immersion into Vietnamese culture was experienced at Cabramatta’s Moon Festival, which was held conveniently on the same day as Father’s Day this year on Sunday 7 September 2014.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 20

“The Cabramatta Moon Festival is recognised as one of Sydney’s premier and largest Asian celebrations. People from all parts of Sydney and different cultural backgrounds take part to celebrate the ancient Moon Festival tradition.

 It’s a festival for family and friends to enjoy and celebrate good health and fortune.”
Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 23

Cabramatta for me is a lifetime away.. and the fact that my family and I drove all the way there is a testament to how lively and fantastic this festival was. In fact, I felt like I was transported back to Vietnam!! – why do I not live closer?  If you don’t have a car, don’t fret because the train station is literally next to the scene.

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When we arrived, there was a little sectioned out space where dancers showed off their cool moves. There was a bit of cheering here and there and it was a good attempt by the youngsters.

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What I noticed when I got to Cabramatta was that it was very family-oriented. The animals made an appearance..

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 4

There were a lot of rides .. every. where. Normally there would be a tiny little section, but this time it was spread out to a few areas. This was a giant carnival I wished I had when I was a kid!

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My favourite stall was the umbrella-painting. The kids there were very cute and got to paint their umbrellas and even put some sparkles on top! I loved how vibrant they were and the stands made them shine.

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Other than the rides and activities for kids, there were of course there were a billion shops selling cheap/delicious stuff. I won’t be sure about the quality, but if you were looking for quilts and food, Cabramatta would offer your needs at a discount. From shoes

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To cosmetics

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To toys

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There were just stalls and stalls and stalls and stalls… and it was the typical ‘there are too many people so I’m going to stomp on you’ vibe.

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There was also a stage for the youngsters to speak.. oh and I forgot to mention the radio station that was pumping Gangnam style on loud speaker? I thought it was Korean? Sorry..

Just like the typical Chinatown, there was the grand gate.

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It was kind of hard getting a good photo with all the people around the place, but I reckon I did well only needing the top half. Very traditional with a ginormous lantern.

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Walking inside, there were more lanterns and tents! It was so crazy and this was not even lunch or dinner time!! I was there at around 3-5pm?!

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 12

Anyways, I had the liberty of trying a funky drink (which my mum had never ever seen and I was shocked.. but then again, I have been to Vietnam before) and it was soooooooooooooooooo delicious! Mixed jelly with ice. Get onto it. It’s just a mixture of jelly goodness, with ice and coconut milk. It’s insanely healthy (not) and insanely the best drink during the summer.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 13 Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 14

I must say, The Walking Advertisement always attracts some free stuff of some sort and at Cabramatta’s Moon Festival, it was these tasty snacks! I would say they are the ‘chips’ of Vietnam but come in a variety of flavours- sweet and savoury.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 16

While we’re on the topic of food, the smell of pho was irresistible. Only $7 for a massive bowl of noodle which could’ve easily fed 2 people.. there’s definitely a bargain here. I would just like to say again, why don’t I live around Cabra??!!

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 17

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I eventually gave up and bought some takeaway food. The excuse was that it was for tomorrow’s lunch (but really I just wanted to eat it straight away as ‘afternoon tea’).

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 18 Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 19

Side note- there was an insane amount of ATMs and possibly the most I’ve seen in any suburb. There were no queues so kudos.

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As we closed off the loop, we ended up at a stage with little kids performing in a large tent. It was absolutely packed but quite entertaining.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 22

Well, I’m definitely coming next year ! Mai mốt gặp lại (See you soon!)

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 25

Rating Review: (1-5, with 5 being exceptional)

Event (Cabramatta Moon Festival): 4.75/5

Ambience: 4/5

Service: 4.5/5

Value: 4.75/5

Would I recommend going to Cabramatta Moon Festival? IF you love a bit of Vietnamese culture, or even experiencing another culture at your doorstep, then Cabramatta would’ve been my ‘highly commended’ place to be. I honestly cannot stress how many people were there- apparently there were approximately 90,000 in 2013! Vietnam itself is a busy place, and Cabramatta is a busy place.

Highlight: Going to all the markets was a highlight. No, stepping on everyone’s feet was a highlight. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve never been to Cabramatta so I didn’t know what to expect. I got excited at the $7 pho bowls because they smelt amazing! It also reminded me of the times I felt tempted to buy cheap clothes then figured out they weren’t top quality.. #goodtimes #memories.

Suggestion of improvement: A problem with most festivals is that there is no linear/circular route but Cabra’s Moon Festival was pretty amazing at that. We went in a full circle and I feel we experienced everything.. maybe except for any performances! Wished we saw some cultural dancing but I guess it depends what time you arrive, right?


Angela Bee

Free Connoisseur Ice Cream – Blank Space Gallery

Free samples of the new Empire Collection of Connoisseur’s ice cream was available from Thursday September 17- Sunday September 21, 2014 at Blank Space Gallery, Surry Hills.

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 1

“We create CONNOISSEUR for the curious and adventureous. The new Empire Collection showcases four unique flavour combinations, inspired by four historical characters who each had a connection to the very origins of ice cream. With flavours inspired by the personalities of some of the world’s most charismatic leaders combined with stunning packaging designed by Steve Cross, the story of ice cream comes to life.”

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 3

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!! When this first appeared, I was no doubt going straight to Blank Space Gallery. The fact that the name is Blank Space Gallery really tells you a lot about the space- right?

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Heading up on Albion Street from Central station, I knew that this hill we were climbing up would be the calories I would put back on when I get to Connoisseur’s exhibition. I don’t think I’ve heard of the gallery before but it doesn’t hurt checking new places out because who knows- maybe it’ll come in useful later on!

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 9

Going on a Friday night, I expected it to be packed with people but surprisingly, there was a security guard and two girls serving ice cream when I arrived. No other customers? Well, it worked in my favour because I got to try a little scoop of each flavour- twice! #winning FYI the prelim AFL finals were on so maybe that was why..

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 16

It was pretty neat when I arrived. The fridge was filled to the brim with Connoisseur ice cream tubs. I LOVE the new design. It’s sharp, slick and arty. Melbourne artist Steve Cross is the person behind these designs and also the four unique installations at the gallery. Watching his video here, I learnt that he started off painting murals, then graffiti, street art.. he is definitely #cuttingedge

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What I found interesting is that percentages of the packaging needed to be 80% of one colour and 20% of the other colour. The composition of the characters and compositions of the placement of colours is very specific. Imagine your artwork in every shopping mall! I loved how he mentioned that he sometimes goes to the fridge and wipes the frost off the ice cream tubs so that you can see the design #commitment

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 11

Looking around the gallery, it is actually a pretty small space. The general vibe of the room was.. quite exotic, particularly the emperors. Let’s go through the emperors and kings and their flavours:

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 5

1. Emperor Nero (wickedly robust coffee flavoured ice cream scattered with chocolate coated hazelnuts and lashings of hazelnut liqueur sauce)

“As an ‘ice cream’ originator, Nero ordered snow to be brought back from the highest mountains which he would mix with exotic fruit and sweet syrups.” This was devilishly chocolately and for those who are needing that coffee/sugar fix.

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2. Emperor Jing Zong ( red bean flavoured ice cream, mouth watering coconut pieces and a swirl of sweet, red bean syrup)

“The energetic leader would host extravagant parties at the Imperial Palace, which was dripping in jewels and bursting with the scent of fresh peonies. On hot nights, dessert was a unique creation of ice, buffalo milk and ‘dragons brains’.” I’m not too sure if there was a strong flavour of red bean but the coconut pieces are the secret ingredient to this delightful ice cream!

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3. King Louis XIV (French Vanilla flavoured ice cream, laced with choc flakes and a splash of Armagnac liqueur)

“During his reign, he drastically changed France from its savage mediaeval ways to more refined, exquisite and opulent living – evident from the Palace of Versailles and the extensions he made to the Louvre.” What a classy man and a classy dessert! I’m not a fan of vanilla usually but the chocolate flakes did it this time round!

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4. King Cyrus of Persia (pistachio flavoured ice cream, pistachio nuts and swirls of syrup made from cinnamon, honey and dates)

“Pioneers of ‘ice cream’ within the Persian Empire created a desert made of rosewater and vermicelli that was a cross between sorbet and rice pudding called a faludeh. It helped them cool off and relax after a hard day in the punishing Iranian heat.” With this, I really loved the nuttyness of the pistachio flavour and I have a feeling this could’ve been my favourite!

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 8

The designs around the room were gorgeous and I would’ve come here again if I had the chance! There was no line and sampling this in an art gallery helps the art community!

Connoisseur ice cream - photo 12

Rating Review: (1-5, with 5 being exceptional)

Event (Connoisseur free ice cream): 4/5

Ambience: 3.5/5

Service: 3.5/5

Value: 4.5/5

Would I recommend going to Connoissuer’s free ice cream giveaway at Blank Space Gallery? Is that even a question? Even for those who don’t normally like ice cream (such as myself), I would definitely come back again. You won’t be walking a couple of blocks to Gelato Messina after this!

Highlight: I really liked how Connoisseur has combined this new Empire Collection with history and art – both things I’m highly interested in. Its actually quite funny because Connoisseur isn’t the cheapest ice cream brand out there and the fact that they’ve created unique flavours and aligning them with emperors and kings is quite interesting. I liked the decorations and paintings around the area – was there a chance of buying it? It was also very apparent that there was an official hashtag (and so many places don’t do this!!) and competition.

Suggestion of improvement: The artwork was really nice, but I would’ve liked it more if there was more explanation behind the emperors/kings with their respective flavours. Maybe if you had to go answer a question about the emperor/king whose ice cream flavour you wanted.., something more interactive maybe. Anyways, I’m glad I got to try them all!

Ends: Sunday September 21, 2014


Official hashtags: #Connoisseur #EmpireCollection

Angela Bee

$5 for $10, or $10 for $20 to spend at Movenpick – Bondi

Pay half price for ice cream, waffles, pancakes, shakes, sundaes, desserts at Movenpick Bondi thanks to Groupon- winter days can get much sweeter, even in the cold!

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“Since creating its ice-cream concoctions in the kitchens of Swiss restaurants more than 60 years ago, Mövenpick Ice Cream has crossed oceans and expanded across the globe to deliver frozen treats to those with a sweet tooth. The ice-cream is still made in Switzerland using local cream, and contains no artificial flavourings or colours. ”

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This whole purchase was totally accidental. I remember flicking rough my emails in the morning and thinking that I would never go to Bondi any time soon but expect the unexpected! Yes. We chose Movenpick over Ben and Jerry’s, New Zealand Natural and others at Bondi. #datview

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What attracted me to the shop itself was the beautiful display of ice cream at the shop front. The flavours are exactly the same at the back so the front is neatly displayed with barely any scoop holes.

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The simplicity of red-ish pink and white made the store look nice and clean.

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The posters on the wall make ice cream seem so refreshing!

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It took so long browsing through the menu. The vouchers available were $5 for $10 worth, or $10 for $20 worth.

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This is what we bought:
Caramel and hazelnut waffles: $12.95. The waffles were very soft and didn’t have that crunch you would expect to have at Max Brenner’s. The ice cream combination was delightful and the waffles came out larger than what was expected from the photos of the menu.

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Deluxe Tasting Menu was a selection of 6 chosen flavours: $12.95. If you’re a sorbet person, mango was divine with little pieces inside and grape and orange gave a lovely citrus aftertaste. Chocolate and coconut gave a little separation from the normally hectic chocolate. Caramelita and Rum n Raisin were the standards. Pannacotta was a little creamy and my favourite was the maple and walnut flavour. All delicious and you can never go wrong! Don’t forget to taste test before you pick your choices!

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I had $4 leftover so I grabbed a much needed large cappuccino with a swirl of chocolate. So much sweetness and not bad coffee either! I was also looking at he Iced Shakes and there were some epic drinks with ice cream in them.

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The lady who served us was very patient and oh so friendly. She gave us knives, forks , spoons  and napkins and even some water at the end just in case!

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If I lived in Bondi I would love an (everyday) treat here…as long as I work it off later!!! #whatexcercise #imissblogilates

Movenpick - photo 4

Review Rating: =D =) =| =(

Product (Movenpick ice cream): =D

Ambience: =D

Service: =D

Value: =D

Would I recommend Movenpick to a friend? It was my grandma’s last weekend in Sydney and my dad was willing to spend anything for the best ice cream for someone who must eat ice cream before going to bed. If you love ice cream and you’re in Bondi, definitely come here! Super cheap and half the price you would normally pay in Ben and Jerry’s, for example.

Highlight: Sampling all the ice creams! We were there for one reason: ice cream. I love trying a bit of everything. The waffle was pretty good too and but softer than most other dessert bars. Everything was beautifully presented and staff were amazing.

Suggestion of Improvement: Can you please stop tempting me to go all the way to Bondi again? The voucher says it’s only valid in three locations – two in Melbourne and one in Sydney. Just be careful.

Ends: September 22, 2014


Angela Bee

Birthday freebies

Feeling like you are the most special person in the world on your birthday only gets better if you get free food.

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 9

That one day of the year, your birthday, should be stress-free, drinking for free, and eating for free. Below is a list you can follow if you want a full belly without shredding your wallet.

– begin the morning with a free muffin from Muffin Break. The best thing about this place for me is that they show you how many calories you are about to consume. Pretty good for a (wannabe) health conscious girl like me. Don’t forget to ask for fresh or ones that are hot! My friend has also said that: ‘You can actually get your birthday muffin anywhere between 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your birthday. However, you can only get this once, not every year.
With the “fresh one or hot” thing, Muffin Break bakes all their muffins in the morning of each day, so they’re always fresh’

Sign up online first.

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 7

– a sunny day like that 34 – 41 degree weather we had today calls for a Boost Juice. Their new ‘lean and green’ smoothies are not too bad (and look kind of artificially green) but the ‘All Berry Bang’ is my all time favourite!

Make sure you have a Boost Juice card beforehand and register online.

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 4

– Head to the meaty Lowenbrau for a free ($35) lunch! Actually, I didn’t know about this epic offer til today but apparently my brother knew about it so I guess it’s a real winner for all the males out there!! Bring me back to the Munich beer hall for some beer and pork knuckle please?

Ring ahead and confirm.

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 8

– Had too much cake? Eat fresh with a 6 inch Subway club. With less than 6 grams of fat and a soft drink or water to wash it all down with, these delicious subs have never made being good too easy!

Register online, select your preferred store, then you’ll have 12 hours to use your voucher.

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 1

– For an even healthier option (if you ask for the dressing separately), Pete Evans will probably have his own fancy top hated Sumo Salad waiting at your feet. My personal favourite is the Pumpkin and Pinenut and you can choose whichever size you feel!

Make sure you have a Sumo Salad card and register online at least one day before.

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 6

– Delicious piping hot Spanish San Churros dipped in 2 pots of melted couverture milk, dark chocolate or caramel for you and a friend because there’s always room for desert! Your birthday is not a fiesta without something sucre (sweet) to finish off with! Celebremos!

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 5

– The American chain, Hard Rock Café also offers a free birthday sundae of vanilla ice cream, chocolate magic and a heap of whipped cream with any meal purchase. It isn’t completely free but its ice cream!

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 2

Baskin and Robbins do a free scoop of ice cream but the one at Darling Harbour was really stingy and needed it printed out. Didn’t even let me taste test any of the flavours.. so bleh..

2013, DECEMBER - Birthday Specials - photo 3

– Fancy going out on an evening to Darling Harbour but think it’s too expensive? Plate restaurant will give you one free main meal 7 days prior and/after your birthday. Subscribe on the link below and book online.

Plate restaurant - photo 1

After eating all day you’ll probably have a food baby. Maybe even twin food babies. Don’t forget to take photos, post them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and #hashtag #foodie #thewalkingadvertisement

Who wins for getting the most free food?

Rating Review: =D  =)  =|  =(

Food: =D

Ambience: =D

Service: =D

Value: =D

Would I have a birthday everyday? Don’t we all wish that would be true? Of course! Then there will be no such thing as homelessness!!

Would I spend $$ on the food above? Probably not for a muffin break since we make awesome muffins at home. If the weather is blazing hot then I would most definitely buy a Boost Juice although I’ve heard its contents are worth less than $1 a cup. Lowenbrau always has delicious food and brings back memories so I would go there for a birthday. Subway is a $5 cheap meal and they even have a loyalty card at my local store so I go there once in a while. For me, a lot of the Sumo Salads have too much dressing but they have lots of choices and if I’m feeling lazy at work I’ll get one. As for the San Churros, it is quite pricey and I used to make churros in a ‘Casa Chichi’ shop on the beach in France so I know they can be much fluffier on the insides and crispier on the outsides!

Highlight: Showing your ID – yes, DON’T forget your ID to prove that it’s your birthday! So vital! Also, a lot of stores, particularly Boost Juice say ‘Happy Birthday’ to you with massive grins (: I’ve also heard the Lowenbrau does a little dance for you if you’re special.

Suggestion for Improvement: You can’t really say no to any of this but it’s best if you find some friends. Honestly, who can eat 6 full meals a day? Sharing is caring! Another downfall is that you’ll need to walk from store to store so go to shopping centres like Westfield Parramatta to stop you from driving from one side of the town to another.. although you’ll probably need the exercise afterwards.

Bon appetit!

Angela Bee

For a full list of deals/freebies visit: