Cabramatta Moon Festival 2014

A total immersion into Vietnamese culture was experienced at Cabramatta’s Moon Festival, which was held conveniently on the same day as Father’s Day this year on Sunday 7 September 2014.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 20

“The Cabramatta Moon Festival is recognised as one of Sydney’s premier and largest Asian celebrations. People from all parts of Sydney and different cultural backgrounds take part to celebrate the ancient Moon Festival tradition.

 It’s a festival for family and friends to enjoy and celebrate good health and fortune.”
Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 23

Cabramatta for me is a lifetime away.. and the fact that my family and I drove all the way there is a testament to how lively and fantastic this festival was. In fact, I felt like I was transported back to Vietnam!! – why do I not live closer?  If you don’t have a car, don’t fret because the train station is literally next to the scene.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 1

When we arrived, there was a little sectioned out space where dancers showed off their cool moves. There was a bit of cheering here and there and it was a good attempt by the youngsters.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 2

What I noticed when I got to Cabramatta was that it was very family-oriented. The animals made an appearance..

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 4

There were a lot of rides .. every. where. Normally there would be a tiny little section, but this time it was spread out to a few areas. This was a giant carnival I wished I had when I was a kid!

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 5

My favourite stall was the umbrella-painting. The kids there were very cute and got to paint their umbrellas and even put some sparkles on top! I loved how vibrant they were and the stands made them shine.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 6

Other than the rides and activities for kids, there were of course there were a billion shops selling cheap/delicious stuff. I won’t be sure about the quality, but if you were looking for quilts and food, Cabramatta would offer your needs at a discount. From shoes

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 7

To cosmetics

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 8

To toys

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 9

There were just stalls and stalls and stalls and stalls… and it was the typical ‘there are too many people so I’m going to stomp on you’ vibe.

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There was also a stage for the youngsters to speak.. oh and I forgot to mention the radio station that was pumping Gangnam style on loud speaker? I thought it was Korean? Sorry..

Just like the typical Chinatown, there was the grand gate.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 10

It was kind of hard getting a good photo with all the people around the place, but I reckon I did well only needing the top half. Very traditional with a ginormous lantern.

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Walking inside, there were more lanterns and tents! It was so crazy and this was not even lunch or dinner time!! I was there at around 3-5pm?!

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 12

Anyways, I had the liberty of trying a funky drink (which my mum had never ever seen and I was shocked.. but then again, I have been to Vietnam before) and it was soooooooooooooooooo delicious! Mixed jelly with ice. Get onto it. It’s just a mixture of jelly goodness, with ice and coconut milk. It’s insanely healthy (not) and insanely the best drink during the summer.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 13 Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 14

I must say, The Walking Advertisement always attracts some free stuff of some sort and at Cabramatta’s Moon Festival, it was these tasty snacks! I would say they are the ‘chips’ of Vietnam but come in a variety of flavours- sweet and savoury.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 16

While we’re on the topic of food, the smell of pho was irresistible. Only $7 for a massive bowl of noodle which could’ve easily fed 2 people.. there’s definitely a bargain here. I would just like to say again, why don’t I live around Cabra??!!

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 17

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 21

I eventually gave up and bought some takeaway food. The excuse was that it was for tomorrow’s lunch (but really I just wanted to eat it straight away as ‘afternoon tea’).

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 18 Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 19

Side note- there was an insane amount of ATMs and possibly the most I’ve seen in any suburb. There were no queues so kudos.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 15

As we closed off the loop, we ended up at a stage with little kids performing in a large tent. It was absolutely packed but quite entertaining.

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 22

Well, I’m definitely coming next year ! Mai mốt gặp lại (See you soon!)

Cabramatta Moon Festival - photo 25

Rating Review: (1-5, with 5 being exceptional)

Event (Cabramatta Moon Festival): 4.75/5

Ambience: 4/5

Service: 4.5/5

Value: 4.75/5

Would I recommend going to Cabramatta Moon Festival? IF you love a bit of Vietnamese culture, or even experiencing another culture at your doorstep, then Cabramatta would’ve been my ‘highly commended’ place to be. I honestly cannot stress how many people were there- apparently there were approximately 90,000 in 2013! Vietnam itself is a busy place, and Cabramatta is a busy place.

Highlight: Going to all the markets was a highlight. No, stepping on everyone’s feet was a highlight. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve never been to Cabramatta so I didn’t know what to expect. I got excited at the $7 pho bowls because they smelt amazing! It also reminded me of the times I felt tempted to buy cheap clothes then figured out they weren’t top quality.. #goodtimes #memories.

Suggestion of improvement: A problem with most festivals is that there is no linear/circular route but Cabra’s Moon Festival was pretty amazing at that. We went in a full circle and I feel we experienced everything.. maybe except for any performances! Wished we saw some cultural dancing but I guess it depends what time you arrive, right?


Angela Bee

Prince Alfred Park Pool

Dive into an Outdoor Oasis

Prince Alfred Park Pool

The City of Sydney’s Prince Alfred Park Swimming Pool has been a free water activity alternative for those wanting a fresh start, or a late finish to their mornings or nights for the past six months.

This pool is located about 200 metres away from Central station.Nested at the heart of Prince Alfred Park are huge bright yellow umbrellas surrounding an aqua blue heated pool, and a little kids area springing with movement everyday.

The vibrant colours make sure it’s a family friendly area with a pleasant café serving breakfasts and lunches next door.On October the 19th, Lord Mayor Clover Moore officially opened the pool, announcing that the new $20.5 million upgrade to the park was the winner of a major architecture award at the 2013 Sydney Design Awards. No wonder this is the case, because the green roofless 50 metre pool really lets its swimmers enjoy natural sunlight.

Clover Moore officially re-opening Prince Alfred Park Pool

After scanning my free swimming ticket, I head towards the left to the women’s change rooms – discovering that there were plenty of toilets and hot water showers for those who like to refresh themselves after a splash, or after swimming a couple of laps in the pool. There are even two hairdryers for those chilly winter days.

With a clever system of high tech lockers, swimmers must put in their birth date and choose their favourite object on the screens to unlock their items. Be sure to bring a few gold coins as it doesn’t accept notes, but it only costs a mere $2 to secure your belongings. In saying this, Iv’e used these lockers quite a few times, and alas – technology still has some faults.

Kids play area

The first two lanes are usually the ‘Free Play’ lanes, however every time I’ve been there – there has been at least two schools which have used the outdoor facility – so yes, it is very popular with local schools in the area. Therefore, be prepared for young girls spraying excessive amounts of impulse in the change rooms, in tandem with lots of high pitched screaming and shouting – and of course the vigorous amounts of splashes from the kids learning to swim.

Nevertheless – the slow, medium and fast lanes are far calmer with plenty of room to continuously go up and down the lanes. Because there is no cover area, the water may seem to be murkier than other pools – yet its nice to get a breath of fresh air every couple of strokes, and to not be confined in a small space. Absolutely, and especially with summer coming up – their pools will soon be flooded with friends and families all round.

Hitting up a tan for summer? Walk no further as the puffy umbrellas on the grassy hills offer enough space for some background music and relaxation therapy for those wanting to bask. Yet because we are right in the middle of Sydney, don’t forget to slip slop slap.

Drying my bikini in the grassy area next to the pool

The sunny sensation has had more than 50 000 visits in its first five months, and will start charging $5.70 for adults; $3.80 for concession – and $14.40 for families (Two Adults/Two Children) from Tuesday November the 12th 2013.

Rating Review: =D  =)  =|  =(

Food and Drink: =)
Ambience: =D
Product/ Service: =)
Value: =)
Would I go there again if it’s free? HECK YES! In fact, in one of the weeks I went 5 times.
Would I pay $5.70 for an adult? Unlikely considering there is a local swimming pool down the road from where I live.. and now that I’m not a student, I’ll need to pay extra for a train ticket. If I was a concession, definitely because it’s right next to central station.
Best thing: the big yellow umbrellas that pop up for basking shade. I wish the hair dryers worked but the showers are hot.
Suggestion of Improvement: like other outdoor pools, it needs frequent cleaning.
Cost: $5.70 for adults, $3.80 for concession and $14.40 for families (Two Adults/Two Children)
When: Free casual entry until the 12th of November 2013.
For the next two years, the City is trialling year round opening hours.Daylight savings:
Monday to Sunday: 6am to 8pm
Public holidays: 7am to 7pmNon-daylight savings:
Monday to Sunday: 6am to 7pm
Public holidays: 7am to 7pmClosed on Good Friday and Christmas Day.Please note: The pool is also closed to the public on Friday nights from 6pm until 8pm from the 4th of October 2013 until the 25th of April 2014 – when the City of Sydney Aquatic Club meets for weekly race events.Please note: Opening hours may change on New Years Eve and New Years Day. Please check this page closer to the date.Good for kids: For sure – there is a great kids play area.
Take away: Food at the cafe next door.